Mo Peanut!

The time has come! We are going to be welcoming a new little Mosier into the family in just a short bit! After many years of successful practicing, the stars aligned... we cannot wait for this peanut to arrive!

Pregnancy Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Week 37 Sonogram Shots!

I have so much to talk about but never enough time. To tide you over, here are the newest photos!!!

This is Peanut's head. She is sucking her thumb. Do you see the curly hair???
Here is a shot of her hair sticking out. The lady taking the photos says it's long!! It was flowing on the screen!! I wonder if it's blonde or brown??

And here is a big foot. Almost the width of her head. Must take after Clint.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Holy Crap!! There's a Difference!

I've been very neglectful. It looks as though the last photo I took was at 32 weeks (shown top). This morning I took the one on the bottom (37 1/2 weeks). I had kind-of been pushing off the photos because it didn't seem like I was getting much bigger. I was wrong. Wow.

Friday, May 28, 2010

An update . . . getting lazy.

Howdy, All -- It's me. I'm in that phase of being miserable and yet giddy as hell.

I try not to complain. And so many people (well, at least every mother out there) has dealt with the following issues, that I feel I have no right to complain. But, take the following note as more of a documentation of the reality of pregnancy, not a compilation of "feel bad for me" lyrics.

Over the last week or so, my joints, specifically in my hips, have begun loosening and I am sore constantly. I have the side-to-side waddle, which strangely has an effect on others around me (my mom unconsciously mimicked me through the store the other day).

My feet, ankles, and now calves are swollen nearly around the clock, and now my left foot has 1 long stretch mark at the base of my toes. Blood has collected at my heels for some reason, and I have also acquired a slight rash on both feet (Doctor says this does happen occasionally with preggos). Mom gave me a pedicure last weekend, which was super cool -- I can't remember the last time I was pampered like that.

I ripped the panel in my last pair of pants that fit as I tried to put them on in the hot, sticky weather. Dammit.

Socks are almost impossible to wear, due to the swelling . . . and my shoe choices are minimal: flip-flops or crocs.

When Mom showed up last weekend for the shower at Lisa and Jeff's, the first thing I did was show her my big, round, watermelon-like belly. Her response? "Oh. You have stretch marks." Me, being very nervous about such markings, assured her that I did not, as I had been inspecting daily. Hmmmmm. Then she said, "They're right there." I looked down and said, "Where? I don't see any!" Well, of course I didn't see them; they're on the underside of my belly. That just sucks.

While we're on my belly area . . . my belly button has not popped out like a turkey timer, yet. It is very, very close to protruding, though. I am afraid that if I continue to gain girth as I have over the last couple of weeks, it will surely stick its insides out. (By the way, I still owe you a bump photo -- but believe me, I'm large and in charge.)

My skin is still suffering from the surge of hormones, which is just lovely. And that glow that everyone talks about is really just sweat, caused by being hot constantly. (Sorry to ruin the fun!)

And what is this cruel trick of nature that blesses preggos with clumsiness and the inability to bend over at the same time?!? I drop my keys, bottle caps, phone, and whatever else I might come into contact, and then even when I do get myself in the bent-over position, I still can't grasp anything without fumbling some more.

Everyone talks about the "burst" of energy women receive late in the game, but I have yet to experience that. I am exhausted, yet cannot sleep. It could be the 90+ weather that appeared suddenly, or it could be that the restriction of sleeping on my left side leaves me "sleeping" in my least favorite sleeping position. Or it could be that I have to pee every 45 minutes. Or it could be that I wake up hungry at least twice a night. Or it could be Clint's snoring.

Speaking of hunger, I don't find myself eating too much more than I used to. And it's not because I'm at the same level of hunger at every meal, but more because I can't fit any more food into my stomach. Peanut has occupied not only my lung space and my bladder space, but also my stomach space.

There are so many more symptoms I could explain to you, but it gets to be just grotesque. So I'll leave the rest of the physical implications out.

Emotionally, I'm all over the place. I constantly envision what the future holds -- all the way from labor and delivery to holding a little baby to having to leave her behind and go back to work. Ugh. Draining.

Excitement one minute turns into fear the next. Smiling leads to grimacing. Road rage is completely uncontrollable at this point.

I am nesting. Peanut's room is done, and I've organized all of her goodies already. I built all the furniture myself, and I have started monitoring the house for safety concerns. Part of my problem, as far as the cankles go, is that I can't seem to just sit with my feet up. I am constantly trying to perfect our little house.

Friday, May 21, 2010

I also built a changing table.

I built an armoire.

I need to post a bump photo, since it's HUGE, but this will have to do for now.

Friday, May 14, 2010

My Point of View

When I go to look at my feet, this is all I see:

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Update -- 5 Weeks! Will She EVER Get Here????

SO, last weekend included Mother's Day, and while my loving husband does not take part in gift-giving typically, Grandma Lassiter (along with everyone who called/texted/messaged) helped me celebrate my near-motherhood lifestyle!!

Clint's mom took me to Babies R Us to pick up some goodies for the baby. We managed to stretch the money needed for a bassinet to get a bassinet, changing table, and a few other things for Peanut!!! I am soooo completely grateful, Mom!!

Otherwise, I just sit here waiting (im)patiently for Lorelai to arrive. It seems like this will never end. My temp started Monday, so that kind-of makes it seem more real, but geesh.

Our last shower is planned for the 23rd -- though I've received very few RSVPs. It is making me nervous.

As far as my "Action Items" go, here's the update (if they've disappeared from the last post, they're done!):
  1. Start interviewing pediatricians. I originally thought my OB is a pediatrician, but I found out that he is not . . . I have NO idea how to find the right one. I don't know enough people around here . . . .
  2. Take a tour of maternity ward. I just have to call and make the appointment. Mondays from 5-6.
  3. Baby-proof your home. Have the supplies, just need to do.
  4. Interview babysitters/daycares. We have someone in mind -- just need to confirm. I may see her this weekend.
  5. Get an easy-to-maintain haircut. I am pushing off dying it as long as possible, but it's just bad. In conjunction with #4, I will hopefully get this done this weekend. 
  6. Get any items still needed for the baby. I have 1 shower still. I know I won't get the furniture I want, since it is so expensive, so I am trying to save up for that. The armoire just went on clearance on, so I'm hoping to get it before it disappears!! Other things we still need/want:
    1. diapers
    2. bottles
    3. formula 
    4. diaper pail
    5. sun shade (for outdoors)
    6. pack n' play
    7. rocking chair/glider
    8. swing
    9. rug
    10. misc. small stuff (car mirror, sheets, toys, etc.)
  7. Install car seat and get it inspected. We have the seat -- just need to install.
  8. Pick out a birth announcement. This just seems ridiculous.
  9. Address birth announcement envelopes. This makes a little more sense. I still have Thank Yous that need to be finished, though. I will try, but there are no promises. Wait - don't I have to have the announcement envelopes before I can address them? Hmmm . . . well, refer to #8.
  10. Finalize maternity leave paperwork. Still haven't done this -- I did check into it, though. I am to call some phone number soon after Peanut arrives, to confirm that I am taking short-term disability, and that should do the trick. However, I have to train my temp, get my files moved to her computer or the network, and have everything organized in preparation for her to take over. Yikes. I'd rather fill out a few maternity leave papers.
  11. Write will. Yep, definitely need to do. And update life insurance. And include godparents.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Week 32 Bump

Week 32:

Week 30:

I can't see much of a difference in the photos, but it's probably due to the shirts I am wearing . . . I can surely feel the difference, though!!

And here is Polly with the baby. Awwwwwww.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Nursery Progress

This weekend, we worked on the nursery. Before these first two photos, there wasn't much of a difference (so I don't really have a "before" shot -- it was a darker shade of off-white. And more dingy.). Clint helped me paint this whitish color.
Here is the start of my "art". I'd like to think I'm smart. Clinton likes to fart.
I started with the blue dots, and then did the yellow stripe of dots. After removing the tape in-between, I filled in the gap to make the two stripes mingle a little:
I did the same with the red stripe. This is the view from the floor:
I put the crib together, too.
The Classic Pooh bedding has matching red, yellow, and blue dots, though you can't really see them from these photos . . .

We also installed some curtains (forgot to take photos of those) -- they're brown, to match the stitching around the moon balloons above. Now, I just need a dresser, armoire, and a rug to get the room to my liking!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Action Items List!

Just a little over 7 weeks left, so here is my update on those tasks I mentioned a couple weeks ago . . .

According to, I still have these things to complete (Red are past due, Orange are imminent, and Green are coming up):

  1. Start interviewing pediatricians. I originally thought my OB is a pediatrician, but now I am wondering. Maybe next week when I go in, I will ask him who he recommends . . . . 
  2. Take a tour of maternity ward. Previous update: "My hospital, along with most others in the nation right now, are not allowing for tours, due to the swine flu. The ban lasts until April 30, but they can't give me an answer as to whether tours will be again in May . . . so I guess I have to wait until May to find out. At least Clint's been in there before." I am checking on it right now. Hold on . . . . Okay,  still no new information. 
  3. Baby-proof your home. After having discussed with a friend and thinking it over myself, I have decided to move this down the list. After all, Peanut won't be crawling around immediately. I have other things to worry about right now. 
  4. Interview babysitters/daycares. No change. We still need to discuss with our friend. The good thing is that I am not so worried about affording it, now that I've gotten my promotion.  
  5. Get an easy-to-maintain haircut. I need to dye it again!! Grrrrr. I was trying to make it through the rest of the pregnancy without, but alas, I can't go on like this. I am still thinking about cutting it off. Usually, it's a spur-of-the-moment kind of things.  
  6. Cook and freeze meals for after delivery. I made lasagna last night, and it is usually too much for Clint and I to handle, so I will probably freeze half of it. Does that count? 
  7. Get any items still needed for the baby.
    1. I have 1 shower still (I hope). I know I won't get the furniture I want, since it is so expensive, so I am trying to save up for that.
    2. Other things we still need/want:
      1. bassinet
      2. diapers
      3. bottles
      4. formula
      5. breast pump!
      6. diaper pail
      7. sun shade (for outdoors)
      8. pack n' play
      9. rocking chair/glider
      10. swing
      11. curtains
      12. rug
      13. misc. small stuff (car mirror, sheets, toys, etc.)
    3. We stil have to paint the nursery. A friend has offered to come by during the day while we are working and do the trim for us!!
  8. Install car seat and get it inspected. We have the seat -- just need to install.
  9. Pick out a birth announcement. I actually started looking at them. I will probably start prepping the layout/colors before she comes, but I want the photos to base them on, so . . . . 
  10. Pack hospital bag. Bag is packed for Peanut. I will do mine this weekend. 
  11. Address birth announcement envelopes. Have a list made, will probably start once I look at announcements.
  12. Finalize maternity leave paperwork. Haven't thought about that yet. I have a temp starting for me next week, I hope. Hmmmmm . . . can I have her do it for me? 
  13. Write will. Definitely need to do. And update life insurance. And include godparents.

A Baby Shower at Work!

So, out of 108 employees, 15 of us are female. I was totally floored when ALL of them came to the shower! They are completely fantastic!

Some men were a little disappointed that they were not included in the festivities. I don't know, but I think it was because we had lunch catered, and a wonderful cake made (banana!!).

(I told them they could bring me presents anyway!! HA!)

This was the cake. Deeeee-lish.

Here is the gaggle. Of course, I was hiding behind a table and you can't see my HUGE belly . . .

Here I am hiding behind some gift bags.

Concentrating hard on a card . . .

Hiding behind some cute pj's . ..

Really excited about some sockies.

Can't wait to play with this thing!

And, a new stroller, with a built-in seat for Natalie!

The woman taking the photos (Rachel) also made the baby a Classic Pooh Pillow. How cool is that?!?

Thanks so much, Ladies!

Update -- 7 Weeks to Go!!

Hello, disregarded blog. I am here, once again.

My status for the day: Life is good. I have a man who loves me, a fun and loving daughter, a baby on the way, great friends and family, a good dog, a great job, a decent house and car, and pickled cauliflower in the fridge.

Physical update (Don't read if you don't want to know!!):

I have gained 43 lbs. to date. Not bad, considering that 3/4 of that was put on in the first 4 months . . . ! I am catching up to it. Or something.

I haven't measured my girth - let me do that right now. . . . ummmm . . . . 47 1/2 inches. I started at 30.

My hands, legs, and feet are swollen.

I have to pee every 30-45 minutes . . .

I get winded walking from my desk to the bathroom.

My hair is unmanageable.

My skin is crying out for less hormones.

It's hard to even roll over in bed.

I suffer from acid reflux.

My teeth hurt. So do my gums.

My boobs are finally getting bigger! But my belly trumps them still.

My belly button went from 2nd knuckle deep to half a fingernail shallow.

I can't reach my toes or get up easily from the floor (or the couch for that matter).
I get really hot when I am trying to sleep.

Cravings: carbonated mineral water, ice cream, strong flavors (pickle, spicy food, olives, mustard, citrus, etc.).

Emotional Update:

I still worry I will damage Peanut by resting something on my stomach, or bending too much, or sleeping on the "wrong" side, or eating the "wrong" food, or missing my vitamin, or whatever else my pea brain can come up with.

I am giggly over a Laffy Taffy joke one minute, and crying over a Hallmark ad the next.

I no longer have a filter when I speak.

I no longer have patience for stupidity.

Although I was never super careless with myself, I miss not having to worry so much about what I do to myself.

I am nervous about the baby room being done in time, even though she won't even use it right away. I am also nervous that we won't have the furniture in time.

I am starting to get the nesting instinct, which allows for me to overbuy, overcook, and overprepare.

I keep thinking that there really aren't 7 weeks to go, that she'll show up early, and that makes me worry more (see 2 lines above).

I get frustrated easier than ever before.

There is already an anticipation around doing everything perfectly (which I know is not an attainable goal).

Baby Update:

She is still breech.

I am feeling her kick a lot more than before, but I think it's because there is less fluid and more baby.

Natalie talked to her on the phone last night. :)

She likes to kick the dog.

She reacts to music and spicy food.

She is about 4 - 4 1/2 lbs. now.


My symptoms categorize me about 2 weeks farther along than the doctor estimated.

I got a promotion at work! With a raise! Just in time for babysitting fees. :)

We are starting to interview potential temps for me at work. First one is tomorrow. The goal is to start them next week, which will be nice, because I will have some help for at least a few weeks.

We bought an Envoy from a friend. He took very good care of it, and gave us a very good deal on it. It makes me feel safer and much more comfortable.

The latest check-up showed protein in my urine, a second sign of preeclampsia (the first being my swollen extremities). I was chided for not drinking enough fluid. Otherwise, everything looked good. Now I visit every two weeks, and the next visit may include a physical "look-see" to make sure I'm not dilated yet.

I continue to have strange dreams. Lately, there have been a lot that suggest she is a he.

People are finally speaking up about my pregnancy. When I say people, I mean strangers. When I say speaking up, I mean they are asking when I'm due, or if it's a girl or boy, or giving me a congratulations. I'm sure it was noticeable before, but now it must be so noticeable that they aren't afraid to make a remark.

A baby shower was held for Lorelai at work Friday. I will post some photos. It was spectacular.

My last shower will hopefully happen on May 22nd. I hate waiting until the last moment to plan, but that's how this one is ending up. I am trying not to stress over it, but I can't help myself. My blood pressure is actually really low, considering the frenzies into which I work myself.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Last Night's Dream

Remember in the movie, "Dumb & Dumber", when the guys drive into Aspen on a little scooter?

Well, in my dream last night, I went into labor, and nobody was around to help. I panicked, trapsing through the streets, trying to find some help. All I could find was a little scooter. So, I hopped on and drove myself to the hospital.

. . . it must have been funnier in my dream.

Getting Artsy on You!

These are all of my bump photos, starting with week 10 and going through week 30 (even weeks). If you study hard, you'll notice that I am short a couple of photos. I am bad. I didn't take week 14 or 26. Sorry!

No 2 Bumps Are Alike!

One of my longest-standing friends, Krista (friends for over 23 years!), is due 3 days before me. I am about 4-5 inches shorter than her, and definitely started out heavier than her, but this just looks crazy different! From the front, we look pretty comparable:

But back-to back, I am an enormous ogre compared to her!

Week 30's Bump --- Now 31 Weeks!

Okay -- There is really a big change this time!! Yowsa.
Left side is 30 weeks, right side is 28 weeks.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Task List as of 4/15/10

I'm getting close to the end of this party -- with 9 weeks left, give or take, by tomorrow, I am really freaking out about being ready. According to, I still have these things to complete (Red are past due, Orange are imminent, and Green are coming up):

  1. Research and sign up for childbirth classes. I've done the research -- the only classes offered around here are either on weekends (hard to commit to) or on Tuesdays (softball night!). I've talked with Doc, and he said I seem to be bright enough . . . as long as I read up on labor and delivery, and maybe talk to a few moms about the experience, I should be fine. So, I guess I can mark that one done.
  2. Start interviewing pediatricians. My OB is a pediatrician. Am I done? Seriously, I think he's pretty cool. I guess I should commit to putting forth a little more effort to finish this task . . .
  3. Take a tour of maternity ward. My hospital, along with most others in the nation right now, are not allowing for tours, due to the swine flu. The ban lasts until April 30, but they can't give me an answer as to whether tours will be again in May . . . so I guess I have to wait until May to find out. At least Clint's been in there before.
  4. Prepare a birth plan. This doesn't seem to be totally necessary, but I want to consider it . . . I mean, I am not the sanest person right now, and I don't want to have to rely on myself to make crucial decisions in the heat of the moment. Some of the questions are just plain frightening, though! These things I do know:
    1. I don't want them to use forceps, and I'm leary of the suction thingy.
    2. I want to go natural, but not too natural. (Is there an in-between?)
    3. Students/Interns/Unnecessary hospital staff are NOT welcome to view my crotch.
    4. I want my husband and my mother in the room with me.
    5. I want to do what the doctor recommends (regarding catheters, monitoring,
    6. The rest I won't really know until I get there.
  5. Baby-proof your home. I have had outlet covers and cabinet locks for several months now, but have yet to install them. And besides those things, there are sharp corners and cords and things that can fall . . . yikes. I have a lot of work to do in that department still.
  6. Interview babysitters/daycares. We have had someone in mind from the start, but I don't think we've talked to her about it. As it stands, there will only be a couple of hours each day that we will need someone, and I think I'll be taking 10 weeks off (6 weeks paid in full!!). We just have to confirm that she's available.
  7. Get an easy-to-maintain haircut. I've been wearing my hair up nearly every day since I found out I was pregnant. That's pretty easy. But it sucks. It's gonna be hot this summer. I saw this girl with a cute pixie haircut and I loved it, but I'm afraid my chipmunk cheeks make my face too round for it (though my hair-cutting friend disagrees . . . ). I'm still teetering on this one.
  8. Cook and freeze meals for after delivery.
    1. I don't cook. Much.
    2. I don't have space in my freezer.
  9. Get any items still needed for the baby.
    1. I have 1 (maybe 2) showers still.
    2. We still need to paint the baby's room.
  10. Install car seat and get it inspected.
  11. Pick out a birth announcement.
  12. Pack hospital bag.
  13. Address birth announcement envelopes.
  14. Finalize maternity leave paperwork.
  15. Write will.

Monday, April 5, 2010

So Many Pregnant Women!!

The economy has had quite the effect on both myself and my friends. Or maybe their plans just coincided with the economy's slip.

Either way, I have a TON of friends that are pregnant or have just had a baby! It's madness!

From grade school, I have at least 2 friends that are due within the next 3 months (and at least 3 who just had babies within the last 4 months!). -- Okay, add 1 more! And 1 more.

From college, I have at least 2 friends that are due around October/November. (And 1 that just had a baby girl at the end of '09).

From grad school, there are 4 more. (3 of which are physically carrying the babies; 1 helped make the baby). -- And I think there is yet 1 more.

From the softball team, add 1 more.

Within the family, there is 1 other preggo.

Of Clint's friends, I know 2 more, plus 2 of his friends from grade school.

At work, 4 men have daughters who are pregnant. Three more have wives that are. (We only have about 105 employees right now). Add one more wife.

I still haven't held a baby in over 2 years . . . someone bring me their baby!!!

The count is up to 29, including myself.

Things I Miss . . .

Don't get me wrong -- I am sooooo excited to be pregnant. I love that I've been given this chance. I wouldn't give it up for anything.

Nevertheless -- there are some things I miss.

I miss beer. For some reason, it never really meant that much to me before, but Friday night I sat by Clint as he opened Miller Lite after Miller Lite. The cans glistened in the light. It's making my mouth water as I type.

I miss the smoke shack at work. We can only smoke in one designated area on the grounds here, and it's the best place to get the latest gossip/news/lies. I actually had a hard time taking a break until I began frequenting the shack, and it became a good excuse to work one in.

I miss some of my clothes. I even have a skirt and a pair of jeans that still have the tags on them. I bought them 4 days before I found out I was pregnant. I haven't even opened my closet in at least 3 months, because I have a limited supply of stuff that fits -- it never makes it into my closet.

I miss my ankles. They have been replaced with cankles. However, I wouldn't be able to even see them if I still had them.

I miss my hair. What's on top of my head is this thick(er) wiry stuff that looks kind-of like my hair, but is much more difficult to manage. I haven't worn it down since November.

I miss being able to go through a day without making some kind of bodily noise. Whether it be a random hiccup, a burp, or even something more grotesque, I can't help myself.

I miss sushi. And unpasteurized cheese. And real coffee. Enough said.

I miss sleeping on my belly. Really, I miss sleep. And I have a feeling I won't get that back for a very long time.

I miss being active. Sure, I probably wouldn't have snowboarded this winter (I do live in one of the flattest states in the nation), but I can't even ride my bike. I feel totally lazy.

I miss being able to bend and reach. It's a struggle to put my socks on, or even lean forward to grab something off the far corner of my desk.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Was Frightened by My Own Shadow!

This is what I saw yesterday afternoon on the side of the house:

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Week 28's Bump

I finally took another photo. I missed 26 weeks completely. Grrr. Guess I'll just have to have another baby!!

This is week 28:

And to refresh your memories, this is the previous photo (from week 24):

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Unique gifts and other things . . .

My grandmother made this bonnet, which can later be used as a handkerchief at our daughter's wedding day. How cool is that?!?

My friends Sarah found these little buttons. They're funny.

And this is a blanket that will determine the baby's room colors. I am imagining beige or ecru walls with a rainbow of red, yellow, and blue, going up one wall, across the ceiling, and down another wall.

In case you missed it, here is the baby advice jar I've been talking about. Eventually, these curls of paper will go into a shadow box, to be posted on the baby's wall (notice how they match the red, yellow, blue scheme).

Baby Shower Photos!

Hopefully, I can con my sister Christy to send me some larger files of the ones she took, but here are the ones I have so far . . . .

This is the cake . . .
And this is what the cake was supposed to look like . . . ! I heard it was really good, though! Aunt Cheryl was so disappointed with how it turned out, but it was a very good conversation piece!
These were some little favors . . . they're all edible pacifiers (jelly beans, chocolate wafers, life savers, and frosting)!
On the left is a signable photo frame (this was obviously before the signing) and on the right is my baby advice jar. I'll post a closer picture of this in a new blog posting.
Here is a little clothesline, full of baby necessities (useful for the Price is Right game).
This is me with the beautiful cake. See the anger in my eyes? I couldn't have any.
This is me being caught off-guard. Not a good thing to do to a pregnant woman.
Just some of the gifts for baby Peanut! She is already spoiled!