Mo Peanut!

The time has come! We are going to be welcoming a new little Mosier into the family in just a short bit! After many years of successful practicing, the stars aligned... we cannot wait for this peanut to arrive!

Pregnancy Countdown Ticker

Friday, February 19, 2010

Week 23 Has Begun!

So, I'm at week 23 -- aside from the back pain I'm receiving (pinched sciatic), I feel nothing. What I thought were baby kicks may not have been, as I have spasm-like feelings in the same exact spot randomly, and have felt nothing else nowhere . . . . I am trying not to worry, but that's my style.

I took yesterday off work. My back hurts so much that sitting and standing repeatedly just kills me. And actually, now that I am thinking about it, my feet hurt too. Is this what everyone goes through? Am I just a wimp??

I really thought I was tough as nails, but now I am reconsidering . . .

I submitted my first Avon order -- 3 customers at $208!!! However, 1 of those customers was me . . .

And, I have a new role starting at Avery. I will now be the R&D Project Manager -- sounds pretty special, right? It will surely be more intensive than my current role, but I have no doubt that I am very over-qualified for the position.

Dad and S-Mom are coming over this weekend to help with a few things . . . but mainly to visit. We are going to (hopefully) empty out the former guest room (after they have been guests in it) and paint the trim . . . Then, we are planning to go ice-skating. Natalie has it in her mind that watching Grandpa Don in ice skates will be the best part of the trip! I would have to agree. That's why the video camera is charging as I type.

That's all for now . . . I was going to post a new photo, but I haven't changed size AT ALL!! But, I'm not worrying. Right?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Week 22 Starts Today!

Here are week 20 (for your review) on the top and Week 22 on the bottom -- I don't see much of a difference . . . hmmmm. Maybe she is moving up a little?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

21 Weeks!! Over the hump!

I went in for a checkup and an ultrasound last Thursday. After peeing in a cup, having gel slathered on my belly, and having my blood pressure taken, they told me everything looked good. At the ultrasound (photos posted below) the technician said everything looked good as well.

Yesterday morning I received a call from the office. Apparently, they did not get a good look at all the parts they were wanting to . . . I was scheduled to have another ultrasound with my next visit (March 4) . . .

At first, I freaked out. Did they only see 3 valves? Was there a toe missing? Does the head look funny?

Then I realized if they had seen something out of the ordinary, they would have had me come in much sooner than 4 weeks from now.

I even asked my forum friends on if they had ever been called back in for a follow-up ultrasound. They all told me not to worry.

So I'm not.

Otherwise, things are good. However, I did have a creepy dream the other night. I dreamt that all of my high school classmates were pregnant at the same time, and we all had blonde-haired babies, born on the same day. It was kind-of like that horror flick, Village of the Damned. Yikes. (Mine was the cutest baby though!)

March will bring a big weekend. The 20th will be a day of celebration for my friend, Sara, who is getting married in April. On the 21st, assuming all of my friends survive the previous night, will consist of a celebration for Lorelai Mosier (this is going to be a Michigan family and friends party -- Indiana party will come later!!). I am geeked.

Boppa Don and Grandma Francie will be visiting in a couple weekends -- I will be putting dad to work on the baby's room, where painting, sanding, and staining will be necessary. We will also have to remove all of the furniture in there . . . Goodbye, spare bedroom!!

It seems as though things are moving quickly now. I think with less symptoms, the days fly by faster. Really, the only symptoms I have are fatigue, backache, and having a hard time getting up from sitting or bending over . . . :)

I do love my belly though. It's fun. But since I haven't felt her move much, I am still having a hard time realizing that there is someone in there. I don't talk to my belly, or rub it, or play music for it . . . but I am trying not to yell (at the dogs or at Clint, for example) - I don't want her to hear my yelling and think that's how I talk.

That's about it for now . . . I will be posting a belly photo soon!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Week 20 Sonograms!

We went to the doctor last night for our 20-week check-up. Everything looks good!! In the ultrasound, they found a 4-chamber heart, 2 kidneys, and a bladder, all working! They also saw a straight spine and "girl stuff", confirming our last prognosis. Most of these are labeled, but I might add a little to them.
There is only 1 foot showing, but Baby has two!
This is the one showing the "girl stuff". Awesome.
She's looking at us here.
And here.
She is already mooning us.
Another face shot.
Here's the whole baby! She already has my belly! LOL.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week 20!

Week 10
Week 12
Week 16
Week 18
Week 20