Mo Peanut!

The time has come! We are going to be welcoming a new little Mosier into the family in just a short bit! After many years of successful practicing, the stars aligned... we cannot wait for this peanut to arrive!

Pregnancy Countdown Ticker

Monday, November 30, 2009

My Super, Supportive Family!

I just want to take a moment to focus on the folks who have been there for me, for Clinton, and for us. . .

Our family has been spectacular through everything, and although I can't speak entirely for Clint, I know he has the same sentiments.

We've both been blessed with a large family, and with more than just 2 loving parents each. We have stepparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and sisters that pick us up and dust us off in bad times, and have embraced us and uplifted us in good times.

My mother has probably felt my pain more than anyone else over the years: watching my sadness overcome me at times, when I reflect on my infertility; hearing my depressed tones when struggling with the idea that I'd never be able to have a child of my own; and feeling her own pain seeing me crumble. She seemed to be the only one that ever made me recover from those bouts of unease.

My dad has kept in touch with me better than anyone I know. He calls several times a week and makes every effort to visit me often. He always takes care of me and gives me a focus for my life: to be selfless and loving, like him. And Francie is always there to listen and give advice, and is just as selfless as Dad.

Sister, Aunt Cheryl, and Grandma all support me and us and cannot wait for the baby. I've already received gifts from them!! I wouldn't be able to do this without them. And it's hard for me to express emotions, but I don't know that anyone could express what I feel right now. They are spectacular!

And I could not have asked more in a family than what Clint's family has been for us.

I've never heard Debbie get so excited as when we had her on the phone and casually dropped the baby bomb. She screamed with happiness!! And sis Carrie was the same way. Grandma Lisa has already bought the baby some ducky pajamas, and she and Pops took us out for a celebratory dinner. But the pregnancy wasn't the start of all this support . . . since day one of our relationship, I have never felt so welcomed and so loved by another family. And now they're my family.

Last and certainly not least, I want to recognize my husband. There is a reason it took 10 years for me to have a baby -- I had to find the right person to have the baby with. And I had to find the right partner to support and love a baby as much as I would. I told Clint early on that we may never have children, and he stood by me regardless of that. Seeing his face melt when we saw a positive pregnancy test was the most priceless expression I've ever seen on his face. And he is just as excited as I am, if not more (which I never thought would be possible). We have had a tumultuous couple of years, and have weathered many storms in a very short time, but (I think) we have become fantastic spouses, and I know that he is going to be a fantastic father.

I had to be taught that wanting doesn't necessarily lead to getting, and as soon as I let that want of having a baby go, I was given that special gift. And I wouldn't have made it this far without my family being there for me.

This baby is so lucky to have a network such as this, supporting and loving it even before being born!

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