Mo Peanut!

The time has come! We are going to be welcoming a new little Mosier into the family in just a short bit! After many years of successful practicing, the stars aligned... we cannot wait for this peanut to arrive!

Pregnancy Countdown Ticker

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Week 13 Update

So, today marks 13 weeks.

Physical Feelings: Slight nausea, Lots of dizziness, Generally slightly weak and fatigued, Heightened sense of smell, otherwise totally normal . . .

Emotional Feelings: Eager/Over-Eager, Nervous, Mentally exhausted, Excited, Maternal

Cravings: Pudding, Salty Stuff, Cheese, Fruit

Aversions: Many smells, Bananas and other soft food, Bread

Weight: (Do I really want to admit this???) How about weight gained: 7 lb.

Waist: 40.5 inches (vs. normal 30)

I've been told I have "that glow" now, but my skin is still breaking out terribly. Most days, I wear maternity pants, just because they are more comfortable . . . I like to wear shirt dresses anyway, so those have helped tremendously.

So, I've been bad. I've had mahimahi (a big no-no I guess), caffeine, processed meat, and aspartame. Sorry, Peanut!

That's about it for now . . . Over the next couple of weeks I have to start looking at birthing prep classes. That should be fun!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Homemade Baby Onesie!

Decembump Week 12

Week 10 on the left, and Week 12 on the right . . .

Friday, December 4, 2009

My Second OB visit!

All good news here, the day after my 2nd visit. Heartbeat is at 150 (fluctuation is normal and will tend to decrease throughout the pregnancy); all tests were normal . . . but weight gain is a little high, according to doc. 5 pounds over 12 weeks! I'm sure he knows more than I do, but I was kind-of impressed it wasn't more (and it looks like more. About 15 more.).

I also received my H1N1 shot. Awesome.

Next appointment is January 7th, and I think I will be taking some screening tests during that visit (CP, CVS, etc. etc.).

So, we'll just keep on truckin'.

(8 weeks until we can find out the sex of the baby!)

By the way, the chinese gender calendar says it's going to be a girl. Hippocrates says it's going to be a boy.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Today, I'm 30

So, this morning I had to give a presentation to the plant at 6am . . . on my birthday. What does that spell? L-U-C-K-Y.

But, I sucked it up, just as I always do, and even woke up before my 4:30 alarm. I had myself a warm (not hot - it's bad for the baby I hear) shower, brushed my teeth and gagged, tried to do something with my suddenly thick(er) and unmanageable hair, and covered my recently broken-out face with some severe amounts of makeup . . .

I was still tired. Normally, coffee would have been used to mend this ailment, but I've been very good, and have not had caffeine in 6 weeks.

It's my birthday though, and I'm about 12 weeks along, so I went ahead and treated myself.

Bad idea.

I arrived at work early enough to rehearse my slides and walked into the meeting room. The combination of my mild case of stagefright, along with the difficulty in breathing (attributed to a little prune-sized thing in my uterus) and the caffeine, allowed for one shaky-voiced, fast-speaking, and trembling Alyssa.

Needless to say, my 10-minute talk turned into a 3-minute speed talking spree.

I either suprised the hell out of the audience or spoke so succinctly that they had absolutely no questions, but the look of possibly fear or amazement gazed back at me.

I amaze even myself sometimes.

Moral: If you haven't had caffeine in quite a while, don't start up again right before a big meeting. You'll wear yourself out and scare your coworkers.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fickle as a Pickle --- mmmmm, pickles.

So, I've changed my mind. I'm a woman. And I'm preggo. It's my right, then, right?

I've decided that even though Natalie is the older child and is currently in the smallest room of the house, she will not be moving into the larger, currently spare room. She has a big room at her mom's, and she is only at our house 4 nights out of 14 . . . I feel bad about it, but I think it would be better for everyone. And that doesn't mean that she's stuck there forever. Just for the next few years . . .

Peanut will have the "larger" room (which is still only 10'x12') . . . this room is right next to ours, so that will help a lot.

Now I just have to figure out where to put all of the antique furniture that's in there!

Still haven't taken a belly shot. I keep forgetting. And now we're approaching the 12 week mark! I will try to do it tonight.

And one more thing: I'm turning 30 tomorrow. Yikes. Like Mom said, though . . . I have everything I want.