Mo Peanut!

The time has come! We are going to be welcoming a new little Mosier into the family in just a short bit! After many years of successful practicing, the stars aligned... we cannot wait for this peanut to arrive!

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Today, I'm 30

So, this morning I had to give a presentation to the plant at 6am . . . on my birthday. What does that spell? L-U-C-K-Y.

But, I sucked it up, just as I always do, and even woke up before my 4:30 alarm. I had myself a warm (not hot - it's bad for the baby I hear) shower, brushed my teeth and gagged, tried to do something with my suddenly thick(er) and unmanageable hair, and covered my recently broken-out face with some severe amounts of makeup . . .

I was still tired. Normally, coffee would have been used to mend this ailment, but I've been very good, and have not had caffeine in 6 weeks.

It's my birthday though, and I'm about 12 weeks along, so I went ahead and treated myself.

Bad idea.

I arrived at work early enough to rehearse my slides and walked into the meeting room. The combination of my mild case of stagefright, along with the difficulty in breathing (attributed to a little prune-sized thing in my uterus) and the caffeine, allowed for one shaky-voiced, fast-speaking, and trembling Alyssa.

Needless to say, my 10-minute talk turned into a 3-minute speed talking spree.

I either suprised the hell out of the audience or spoke so succinctly that they had absolutely no questions, but the look of possibly fear or amazement gazed back at me.

I amaze even myself sometimes.

Moral: If you haven't had caffeine in quite a while, don't start up again right before a big meeting. You'll wear yourself out and scare your coworkers.

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