Mo Peanut!

The time has come! We are going to be welcoming a new little Mosier into the family in just a short bit! After many years of successful practicing, the stars aligned... we cannot wait for this peanut to arrive!

Pregnancy Countdown Ticker

Friday, March 5, 2010

Week 25 Starts Today!!

To start, here is a photo of week 24:

And to refresh your memories, here is week 22:

At the doctor's yesterday, I finally discovered that what I thought was possibly just a muscle spasm is actually Peanut kicking my bladder. I was able to watch her kick and feel it at the same time. She is breeched right now, but Doc said there is nothing to worry about -- we still have a lot of time for her to flip. I think she likes being upright, though, because I can feel her roll at night when I switch sides (laying on my left or right side). Doc also said that I shouldn't be surprised if I wet my pants now and again, as she is kicking my bladder constantly (She said it happened to her before!). Awesome.

I have to stop in at the hospital to get my glucose test done . . . that will hopefully happen next week. I also have to get registered there in the next couple of weeks. Classes start soon too. Woo WOO!!!

It's becoming more and more of a reality that there is an endpoint to this pregnancy. I have to face that I will be going into labor soon (hopefully in 3 months or so, not sooner or later). I haven't invested too much time into thinking about that part of all of this. Doc told me what to watch for and to go straight to Delivery if A, B, or C happens. Yikes!!

That's about it for now. I feel reassured that everything is okay. And now that I know what a kick feels like, I am super glad she's active. It gives me some kind of connection to her now.

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