As you can see, I've gained quite a bit of girth over the last two weeks . . . I'm wondering if I should start taking photos every week now??
My emotions have become almost unbearable over the last several days. Everything makes me cry. I'm afraid to watch dramatic shows or movies. My friend's sister died this week, and I am afraid to go to the funeral (I've never met her, but have been considering attending for the sake of said friend).
They say morning sickness is worst in the first trimester . . . well, once again, I go against the flow. I've vomited more over the last week than I have in my entire life! I'm sure you were curious about that . . . but it's true.
I still have 2 weeks to go before we find out the gender, and it is absolutely killing me to have to wait. Plus, I have a friend who is 6 weeks behind me in this pregnancy ordeal, and she's had 3 ultrasounds already!! And her doctor told her she could find out gender in 3 weeks!! But there's this place nearby that does 3D/4D (I assume 4D is sound, but I don't really know) and for $60 they will give you photos and identify gender anytime after 16 weeks . . . Clint doesn't seem that thrilled about it, but I think it would make me feel so much better.
After all, I shouldn't be giving the baby a stressful environment to live in, right?
There seems to be deals everywhere on seasonal clothing . . . but alas, I cannot buy any. How fantastic would it be to buy everything on sale??? (Actually, it wouldn't mean that I would be saving money. It just means that Peanut would have twice as much stuff).
I also discovered that very few Target stores carry the Classic Pooh bedroom stuff in their stores -- most of it is online only. This will make it very difficult to paint the baby's room the right shade of sage . . . which is something I wanted to get done this weekend.
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