Mo Peanut!

The time has come! We are going to be welcoming a new little Mosier into the family in just a short bit! After many years of successful practicing, the stars aligned... we cannot wait for this peanut to arrive!

Pregnancy Countdown Ticker

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Weight Gain Update -- Week 19

To date, I have gained 18 lbs. According to "the rules", I should have gained about 10 (3 the first trimester and 1 for every week in the second). I gained 5 in the first 12 weeks, and 13 over the last 7 weeks.

Ummmm, for those of you not doing the math, I'm gaining twice as fast as I should!!

I'm not worried.

As far as girth goes, we are now at a 12-inch gain. Gee whiz.

Clint went with me last night to register for Lorelai (or Lorelei) at Target. He knows just a little bit more than I do, so I was grateful that he assisted! However, he told me that he will not be helping at Babies 'R Us, because there are lots of pregnant women there, and pregnant women are crazy.

By the way, I have changed my mind, once again, on the furniture. It is so tough to find matching crib/dresser/armoire sets!! Maybe if the companies would stop having recalls . . . So now, it's cherry finish.

I am lucky enough to have two showers -- 1 in Indiana at the Mosier homestead (Jeff and Lisa), and 1 at the Fralick house (Don and Francie). Mom and Aunt Cheryl are going to take part in the one at Dad and Francie's house, which is so cool. I am totally grateful!!

Another issue we're facing: vehicles. I drive a Focus, and Clint has a Civic hatchback. Both are small, and neither are kid-friendly. Even with just Natalie, we sometimes have to drive both vehicles to our destination! So, we are trying to figure out a way to get a different (not necessarily new) auto that can carry us, 2 children, and 2 little dogs if necessary (plus everything we pack). And we want to do all this without financing through a bank or car company. Yikes. So, wish us luck!

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