Mo Peanut!

The time has come! We are going to be welcoming a new little Mosier into the family in just a short bit! After many years of successful practicing, the stars aligned... we cannot wait for this peanut to arrive!

Pregnancy Countdown Ticker

Saturday, January 23, 2010

New Baby Photos and GENDER!!!!

We are having a girl!! So, be ready to welcome Lorelai (or Lorelei) soon! During the sitting, she was doing everything but. She kicked, threw her arms, turned, smiled, opened her mouth, sucked her thumb, and then smiled some more. It was so cool.

This is where we went for the ultrasound:

Apparently, she had planted herself anteriorly (most babies are on the posterior side), which does nothing bad, except the following:
-makes it hard to find heartbeat
-makes back pain more prominent
-makes it hard to feel baby move
-makes it hard to get good, clear sonogram shots

The black/white pictures are 2D, and the yellowish ones are 3D/4D. Some of these photos are a little freaky (the 3D/4D), but are still so so cool. Most of these are of her face . . .

A straight spine!!
A solid heartbeat!
She's looking right at us! Her skull features are quite apparent. A different view (4D, not shown) gave us a clear picture of who donated their nose to her (it wasn't me!).
This is my favorite! She is sucking her thumb and has kicked one foot in the air!
Just one of the many shots we saw of her smiling. She did this a lot. She also stomped her feet and kept her hands close to her face. So cute!
She looks really serene here. I will concede and say that she looks as though she has Clint's smile. I like that.
Grandpa Don says that looks like a softball player's arm!
This is a 3D shot. The black and white views are kind-of vague, but the bottom right shows her profile (head and hand).
The next few are kind-of creepy. But just remember - she has 5 more months to fill out, and regardless, she is one happy baby!
Another smile!!
This one is a 4D profile. You can kind-of get an idea of the nose I was talking about earlier. She's going to be beautiful!

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